“I e-mail on behalf of the concept of this beautiful concept that has leaked out of my computer. It is the very criminal spirit that dwells in this wallet. What an unbelievable persona. It is like angels with devils thought process, something of true beauty indeed. I consider this more of a charity for the skinny white guys across America that religiously get their asses kicked. God bless them and give them their excalibur. Inscribed so delicately with the words Bad Mother Fucker. This wallet will truly be a nightmare to mothers nationwide.”
— Lee Y. (Los Angeles, California, United States)

“My boyfriend opening his Bad Mother Fucker wallet. it was the best Christmas gift this year. The wallet is everything I'd hoped it would be (since I bought it online, I was a little nervous), and he LOVES IT!!!”
— Danielle Y. (Indianapolis, Indiana, United States)

“With 2 of my bad mother fuckers ...thanx it's great.”
— Chris S. (Saint Louis, Missouri, United States)

“Love the wallet thank you.”
— Spencer S. (Prince George, British Columbia Canada)

“When I was in the Navy (USS Juneau) me and several guys on the ship had Bad Mother Fucker wallets. When I came home I lost it almost immediately!!!!! Three years later my wife gave me one for Valentine's Day! I usually dont give a S#@! about Valentine's day. But this one was different! Thanks BMFWallets.com.”
— Frank N. (USS Juneau, United States)

“I got my Bad Mother Fucker wallet for Christmas from my wife. It's totally awesome. I got the embroidered Bad Mother Fucker leather wallet, and I flash it every way I can!”
— Carsten F. (Ishoej, Denmark)

“Now everyone knows.”
— Laura S. (Los Angeles, California, United States)

“A salute to all the other Bad Mother Fuckers out there!! If you need a wallet that says Bad Mother Fucker on it, this is the place to get it!”
— Fern M. (Kyle, Texas, United States)

“Here's a picture of me with my Bad Mother Fucker wallet. My wife just got it for me. Love it.”
— Jake M. (Fruita, Colorado, United States)

“My 1962 Chevy Nova just got cooler.”
— Jake K. (Roseville, California, United States)

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